The following are the Taxi Fare Estimator’s terms & conditions:
The Fare Estimator provides an indicative fare by multiplying distance, as generated by Google Maps from the points you picked, by the relevant National Maximum Taxi Fare, also taking into account any extras, e.g. additional passenger fees. As the National Maximum Taxi Fare will vary based on factors such as the time of day, it is crucial to the effectiveness of the Estimator that users provide accurate information in respect of each required data field.
The figure provided by the Fare Estimator is intended for illustrative purposes only. The Fare Estimator employs a fixed formula and cannot fully account for variable factors such as exceptionally heavy traffic, road closures, road blockages or difficult weather conditions. Every individual journey will differ depending on the specific circumstances of that journey and both customers and operators should exercise reasonable judgement when determining whether the fare estimated is an adequate and genuine reflection of a particular journey.
SPSV operators are reminded that they owe an obligation under SPSV regulations to issue a printed receipt to a passenger at the completion of a journey and failure to do so may render that driver liable to an on-the-spot penalty of €100.
SPSV customers are reminded that they should always retain their receipt as evidence of any journey taken. In the event that you feel that you have been overcharged, you should report the incident to The National Transport Authority using the online form at
Further information is available from the Authority’s Information Line on 0818 064 000. Please note that all formal complaints must be made in writing.
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this Fare Estimator, the National Transport Authority accepts no responsibility for any inconsistencies or errors.