Lost Property

Bus Éireann

Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail

Dublin Bus

Go-Ahead Ireland



TFI Local Link


Bus Éireann

Don’t worry! Property found on Bus Éireann vehicles will be deposited at the nearest Bus Éireann depot.

Please fill out this Bus Éireann webform with details of your lost item. 

Please call: 0818 294 015

From outside Ireland, call: +353 1575 6110

  • 7am – 7pm weekdays
  • 8am – 6pm weekends
  • 10am – 6pm Sundays and Public Holidays

Items held for 30 days:
We hold lost property for 30 days. After this time it will be disposed of. We remove and securely destroy any personal data. Unclaimed property is donated to charity, recycled or disposed of.

Loss or damage:
No responsibility will be accepted by Bus Éireann for loss of or damage to property belonging to a passenger which is lost or stolen on Bus Éireann premises or on Bus Éireann vehicles.


For property lost on Expressway, visit the Expressway website.

For property lost on School Transport services, visit the Bus Éireann website.



Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail & DART

Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail will only hold lost property for 30 days. Please contact the terminal station of the service you travelled on when you lost your item(s). You can find all station contact details on the Station Information page.

Please Call: 0818 294 015

From outside Ireland, call: +353 1575 6110

  • 7am – 7pm Weekdays
  • 8am – 6pm Saturday
  • 10am – 6pm Sunday and Public Holidays


Send an email to lostproperty@irishrail.ie with a subject line of Lost Property, please ensure to provide your full name and contact number, and as many details as possible.



Dublin Bus

Thousands of items of lost property are left on our buses each year, so if you have lost property on one of our buses you are not alone. 

Call: 01 703 1321

Or Email: baclostproperty@dublinbus.ie 

Opening Hours:

  • 08.45 to 17.00 Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays)

Key Points:

  • Any item found on a Dublin Bus will be delivered to the Lost Property department within two working days between 14.30 and 17.00.
  • A fee of €2.00 applies to each item you claim.
  • When collecting your lost property it may be necessary to show some sort of ID, especially if it is a high value item like a wallet, purse, mobile phone, laptop etc.


Lost Property Office,
Dublin Bus,
Earl Place,
Dublin 1



Go-Ahead Ireland

Don’t worry! Property found on TFI services operated by Go-Ahead Ireland will be dropped at the nearest Lost Property Office. If we find your item, you will have the option of collecting it at your nearest collection point.

What to do next:

Describe your item in this lost property form: Report Lost Property

We’ll email you as soon as we can, if we think we have it or we need more information.

For more information on what to expect once you fill out the form, visit the Transport for Ireland lost property information page.

If you feel it’s urgent and you also need to talk to someone:

Call: 0818 294 015

From outside Ireland +353 1575 6110

Opening Hours:

  • 7am – 7pm Weekdays
  • 8am – 6pm Saturday
  • 10am – 6pm Sunday and Public Holidays




Don’t worry! Property found on the Luas will be dropped at the nearest Luas Depot. Collect lost property from Luas depots at the following times:

Red Cow
Monday to Friday: 7am – 7pm; closed from 1pm – 2pm. Saturday 10am – 2pm
Monday to Thursday: 9am – 5pm. Friday: 9am-4pm. Closed from 1pm – 2pm
Monday to Friday: 8am – 4:30pm. Closed from 1pm – 2pm

Call: 0818 294 015 or from outside Ireland, call +353 1575 6110

Fill out our short contact form to send a message to a member of our customer service team:

Send a Message



Taxi Lost Property

Contact the driver or the taxi company directly if you you booked through:

  • a dispatch operator
  • Free Now
  • Lynk
If the driver can’t find it:

Contact the nearest garda station. They usually drop lost items there. Dublin taxi services will drop your item into one of these designated garda stations:

When to contact them?

Contact them as soon as possible. Check again in another week if it hasn’t been handed in yet.

Details to have ready:
  • The licence number of the taxi you were in – this is shown on your receipt.
  • Proof of identity

If the item has not been handed in when you first make the enquiry, it may be worthwhile to ask again a week or so later, as the driver might not hand the item in immediately after it has been found.

The Gardaí will ask you for proof of identity before handing over any property.

An Garda Síochána is responsible for lost property handed in by Small Public Service Vehicles (SPSV) operators. When property is handed in, it is held for a minimum of 31 days up to 366 days at the discretion of An Garda Síochána depending on the nature or value of the item, to allow the owner to reclaim it.