Your Journey Counts.

Walk it, bike it, bus it, train it.

Your Journey Counts cycling

  • By walking, cycling and using public transport more, you can help reduce Ireland’s transport emissions.
  • This year, Government is investing over €1.5 billion for your public transport system, as well as another €350 million for your walking and cycling paths.
  • Last year, a record 300 million journeys were taken by bus or train across Ireland, helping to reduce our transport emissions.
  • For more information, visit

The Department of Transport’s Your Journey Counts campaign encourages people to think about their journey and the difference it can make to cutting carbon emissions.  There has been a significant investment by Government in greener travel options such as public transport, walking and cycling infrastructure and carbon reduction programmes to help support a shift away from car use where possible.

Your Journey Counts walking

Plan your Journey

Use the TFI journey Planner / TFI Live App to plan your journey.

Why your journey counts

Your Journey Counts. By choosing to walk, cycle or take public transport, you are part of the national effort to reduce transport emissions by 50% by 2030.

  • In 2022, 19.1% of Irelands greenhouse gas emissions came from the transport sector
  • road transport accounts for almost 95% of all transport emissions
  • passenger cars are responsible for around 50% of all road transport emissions
  • Between 1990 and 2022, the transport sector shows the greatest overall increase in Greenhouse Gas emissions of all sectors, more than doubling in that time.


Your Journey Counts in train

Your Journey  

  • Is helping our Climate Action Plan for Transport
  • Has Benefits of sustainable travel
    • Improving the Climate
    • Benefiting your Health and well-being
    • Improving Air quality

Your Journey Counts on Bus

  • Has Benefits of reducing congestion
  • Increases our Active Travel journeys
    • the numbers of people choosing to walk or cycle to work, school or college has increased between 2016 and 2022
    • in 2022, there were 88% more primary school children commuting by bicycle than in 2016
    • the number of students aged 13 to 18 cycling to school was up to 79%
  • Supports more Public transport passenger journeys