On Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), May 16, 2024, Transport for Ireland highlights a number of initiatives on how people with disabilities can travel safely to, from and within Ireland.

Over 1.3 Billion (16%) people worldwide have disabilities. These include:

  • Visual Impairment
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Physical Disability
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Cognitive Disability
  • Mental Health
  • Hidden Disability
Transport for Ireland Accessibility initiatives 

Transport for Ireland Accessibility initiatives include:

Please Offer Me a Seat

Please Offer me A SeatTFI partnered with Invisible Disabilities Ireland to launch the “Please Offer Me a Seat” Badge and Card for people with invisible disabilities to use when accessing public transport. It allows people with hidden disabilities to alert other passengers that they would really benefit from having a have a seat on public transport. People can get the Please Offer Me a Seat card or badge from the various TFI Transport Operators free of charge.

Wheelchair Priority Space

TFI worked with Irish Wheelchair Association and Irish Guide Dogs for Ireland on an Education and awareness campaign for a Wheelchair Space Priority Campaign. It is to remind all passengers that wheelchair users have priority over everyone to use the wheelchair space– so please keep the wheelchair space free for those who need it. If blocked, please allow those who require access to the wheelchair space to obtain it.

Remember, public transport is a place for everyone.

Travelling with a Guide/Assistance Dog

Guide dogs and assistance dogs accompanying passengers are permitted to travel on all public transport services across the TFI network free of charge and without restriction once they are clearly identifiable as being a guide or assistance dog and not a pet.
Our TransportforIreland.ie website provides direct links for passengers with Guide Dogs – for information on Dublin Bus, Irish Rail, Bus Éireann, Go-Ahead Ireland and Luas passengers.

Travel Assistance Scheme

The TFI Travel Assistance Scheme helps passengers with disabilities learn to use public transport independently. A travel assistant can accompany you the first few times you travel and offer helpful advice on how to plan your journey is open to all over the age of eighteen. The TFI Travel Assistance Scheme operates in Dublin TFI Travel Assistance Scheme Dublin and Cork TFI Travel Assistance Scheme Cork presently and is commencing in Limerick, Galway and Waterford in 2024.

TFI travel Assistance Cork Announcement

Just A Minute (JAM)

The Jam Card assists customers using the TFI public transport system and makes their experience as stress-free as possible. It allows people with a communication barrier tell others they need ‘Just A Minute’ discreetly and easily. People can get the JAM Card from the various TFI Transport Operators free of charge.

Prepare me….As I Am… for public transport

Transport for Ireland (TFI) partnered with As I Am to provide a range of videos, pictures and problem scenarios to support people with Autism travelling on a bus, train or tram. Prepare Me As I Am for Public Transport aims to support those with Autism by providing the correct tools for navigating public transport.

Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle (WAV) Register

Transport for Ireland provides an online searchable tool, a register of Wheelchair Accessible taxis  per county along with their contact details.

Further Information and Support

Further information is also provided such as

  • What to do when someone has an Epileptic Seizure
  • Dementia: Understand Together with a new dementia inclusive community symbol
  • Details of The Free Travel Pass
  • Links to Accessible information for transport by Bus, Taxi, Rail, Air, and Ferry/Boat
  • We are also continuing to update TFI & NTA websites to enhance usability and accessibility.

Accessibility Removes Barriers and Unlocks the Possible

Accessible travel is an on-going endeavor to ensure all operators provide safe, accessible and friendly access to all its passengers, regardless of their age or various disabilities. It is now possible to map out your journey before you depart. The TFI Journey Planner is Ireland’s only door-to-door route planner and the service also highlights if the mode of transport is wheelchair accessible.