Latest in a series of Statistical Bulletins
The National Transport Authority today (July 5, 2016) published its latest Statistical Bulletin – on state-funded Bus Services , services provided under contract to the National Transport Authority and subsidised by the state because operators are required to deliver Public Service Obligations (PSO).
The information in the bulletin is drawn largely from reports provided by the operators; Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann provide the majority of PSO bus services. The information dates, in the main, from January 2010, the time period covered by their contracts with the Authority. Information on the performance of gross cost contract operators, active on a small number of routes across Ireland, is also included.
In summary, total passenger journeys across all PSO subsidised services increased by 2.8% in 2015, with Dublin Bus recording a 3.1% increase. Bus Éireann’s Cork services saw an increase of 7.3% over the year, while overall the company reported a 1.8% annual growth in the number of passenger journeys.
Topics covered in the Bulletin include:
This is the latest in a series of Statistical Bulletins published by the National Transport Authority. Earlier reports covering taxi services, rail, commercial bus and household travel, can be accessed online.
Note, contracted bus operators provide services to the National Transport Authority under contract; the Authority publishes quarterly reports on the key performance indicators of Dublin Bus , Bus Éireann, and two of the gross cost contract holders, M&A Coaches and Whartons Travel on its website.
The full report can be downloaded here: Bus Statistics for Ireland – State Funded Services .