
  • When waiting for a bus, always remember to maintain a safe distance from the edge of the curb to avoid being struck by traffic.
  • Watch out for the bus side mirrors as the bus pulls into the stop.
  • Never step onto the road in front of the bus.
  • Always beware of the moving luggage door on the side of the bus and never climb into the luggage compartment.
  • Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to board. Once the door is open, make sure you can step safely from the curb onto the bus. Please place your full foot on the step so as not to slip or trip.
  • Once on board, make sure to hold a hand or seat rail to secure yourself as you move through the bus.
  • Use both handrails to secure yourself while using the stairs.
  • If there are seat belts available on the bus, please use them.
  • Please do not distract bus drivers as they need to always be on full alert.
  • While on the bus, remain behind the white line while the bus is moving so the driver has full visibility, including potential blind spots.
  • To exit at the front of the bus, remain behind the white lines until the doors have fully opened. This is to make sure your driver is not distracted and so that you won’t be struck by the doors as they open.
  • Before stepping off the bus, make sure to check the gap between the bus and the curb.

Travelling with children

  • Please make sure that small children remain behind the white line until the bus has stopped and the doors have been fully opened.
  • Children or infants on the bus must be supervised and secured to ensure their safety.
  • Make sure that buggies with children in them have the break applied.

Travelling with mobility issues

  • All our buses can lower the front suspension system reducing the height of the step from the curb to the bus.
  • Older customers or those with mobility difficulties can ask their drivers to lower the vehicle or use the ramp if needed.
  • Customers should not attempt to get on or off the bus until the ramp has been fully opened or closed.
  • Customers with mobility issues should ask the driver to wait until they are seated before moving the bus.
  • Where possible, use the centre doors to exit. However, there is no lowering or ramp facility at these doors so customers who need either should use the front door.
  • When exiting the bus at the front or centre doors, always remember to look out for cyclists who may be passing the bus on the inside.



  • Always allow space for traffic in front of your vehicle to clear the tramway and / or yellow junction box.
  • Always be extra alert in wet and icy weather and give yourself space to break before the tramway and/ or yellow junction box.
  • Be aware of motorbikes and cyclists.
  • Do not obstruct the tramway.
  • Listen for horn and warning bell.
  • It is against Irish road traffic legislation to drive in a tram lane, except in the limited locations where there is a shared tramway. Shared tramways are identified by traffic signage and road markings.

Pedestrians and Passengers

  • Use designated crossings to cross.
  • Keep clear of the platform edge as the tram arrives or departs.
  • Do not cross the white line at the edge of the platform until the tram has stopped.
  • Let other passengers get off the tram before you try to get on.
  • Do not board or exit the tram when the doors are closing.
  • Wheelchair passengers and those with buggies, please use the double doors in the middle of the tram.
  • Hold onto handrails when on the tram.
  • Never go beyond the No Access signs.
  • Listen for the horn and warning bell – headphones and mobile phones may distract you.
  • Keep clear of overhead power lines.
  • Tram tracks are slippery in wet and icy weather. Be alert.

Travelling with Children on Luas

  • Keep your children close to you.
  • Hold their hand, especially when getting on and off the tram.
  • If you’re travelling with a buggy: always board Luas while you are boarding your buggy.
  • There are family seating areas on-board. Please kindly ask passengers to leave them for you and your family to stay together.
  • If you would like to know what to do if you lose your child, please see below sections on how to ask for help.

In the event of Emergency 

How to ask for help on the platform?

In case of emergency, you can use the Emergency Help Point present at all Stops beside the Ticket Vending Machine.

Your call will be answered by Luas Control Room which has an overview over all Luas systems via CCTV.

To get help:

  • Locate the Emergency Help Button
  • Press the large Red button once
  • Wait for an answer and then explain the situation to the Luas Control Room.

If you need assistance, you can also call Luas Customer Service on 0818 300 604*.

How to ask for help on board?

Emergency Help Buttons onboard all trams will link you directly to the Luas Driver who is also connected to the Luas Control Room. CCTV is in operation onboard the tram.

To get help:

  • Locate the Emergency Help Button beside the door
  • Press the large white button once
  • Wait for an answer and then explain your situation to the Driver who is in constant contact with the Luas Control Room.

If you need assistance, you can also call Luas on 0818 300 604*.



  • Stand behind the yellow lines and back from the platform edge. Trains may pass at fast speeds.
  • Cross via the footbridges or subways only, do not trespass on the track or beyond platform limits.
  • Always wait until the train stops before opening doors.
  • Never attempt to board or disembark a moving train.
  • Please don’t place heavy luggage in the overhead racks.
  • Use caution when moving through the carriages on a moving train and use handrails where provided.
  • Take special care when using stairways, escalators and bridges – particularly in cold or wet weather when conditions may be slippery.
  • Always walk, never run, on any platform.

Parents and Children

  • Don’t play on or near railway tracks. Remember, apart from the risk of injury or death, trespassing can result in a fine of €1,000.
  • Keep clear of high voltage electric cables or overhead lines.
  • Don’t take shortcuts across tracks. Remember, trains may operate at any time of the day or night.
  • Don’t throw stones at trains.

Motorists, Level Crossings and Bridges

  • Follow all signs and instructions.
  • Always stop your vehicle when level crossing gates are closing/closed, or when warning lights are illuminated. Wait for the crossing gates to fully open and lights to extinguish, then proceed with caution.
  • Never drive around gates while they are closing or opening.
  • At Unattended Level Crossings, read the signage/notices before crossing. Stop, Look and Listen.
  • To get more information on how to use unattended level crossings, download a copy of the Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail Unattended Level Crossing Safety Booklet, or you can view Level Crossings on Google Maps.
  • Drivers of high vehicles should drive under bridges with caution. You should always know the height of your vehicle and load, and you are required by law to obey statutory height restriction signs. Click the following link to check the bridge heights on your route.